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Courses to set you on the right path, provide answers, and get clarity.

Realize Your Path

Ancestor Veneration 

 a 2 Part Series 

One CANNOT begin the discussion of ancestral practices (Hoodoo, or African Traditional Religions (ATRs)) without FIRST understanding ancestor veneration. HOW are you going to jump all in to working with Deity, when you don’t understand HOW Deity works and you’ve BYPASSED working with the Spirits of your ancestors?!?! 

This workshop will go ALL IN on the “Who”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”, and “How” of Ancestor Veneration. 







Course Coming Soon 

Wash Dat Spiritual Ass: Spiritual Baffs 101 with Mambo Josy

Spiritual baths have been at the center of ancestral practices (especially African Traditional Religions) since the dawn of time. Of course, now, this practice has been co-opted by Christianity and Catholicism – but where do you think they got it from? Folks have all but forgotten that one’s physical ass isn’t the only ass that needs washing! This will be your wake up call! Not only to how essential Spiritual bathing is to living a balanced life, but the consequences of walking around with spiritual gunk







Course Coming Soon 

Increase Your Power
Ancestor Veneration 

 a 2 Part Series 

One CANNOT begin the discussion of ancestral practices (Hoodoo, or African Traditional Religions (ATRs)) without FIRST understanding ancestor veneration. HOW are you going to jump all in to working with Deity, when you don’t understand HOW Deity works and you’ve BYPASSED working with the Spirits of your ancestors?!?! 

This workshop will go ALL IN on the “Who”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”, and “How” of Ancestor Veneration. 



Course Coming Soon 

Crystals 101

Discover crystals as a tool to help strengthen your intention, communication, intuition, and more. 

In this workshop you will learn how to tap into your own unique relationship with the crystal kingdom. You’ll experience crystal properties for yourself and walk away with an understanding of how to keep that experience going with each crystal that catches your eye.


NOTE: This class is a required prerequisite for Crystals 102 and Crystals 103.



Course Coming Soon 

Crystals 102: Crystal Grids with Sacred Geometry 

This class will explore the wide world of crystal grids! Be ready to uncover all the different layers of intention you can set in your home and around your property, with the power of crystals!


NOTE: Crystals 101 is a prerequisite for this class.



Course Coming Soon 

Crystals 103: Crystal Healing with Mambo Josy

This class will cover the history and various processes behind the ancient art of crystal healing. This topic can be as simple or as layered as the student would like to take it after exploring the depths of possibilities unveiled and revealed to them from within this workshop.


NOTE: Crystals 101 and 102 are a prerequisite for this class.


Course Coming Soon 

Essentials of Spell Casting with Mambo Josy

 a 3 Part Series 

Some witches/pagans/Hoodoos, etc cast spells. Some don’t. There is no judgment in either path, and there is nothing wrong with casting spells that bring about your desires, and change your lives in alignment with ease, power, purpose, love, happiness, security, and joy. But do you know HOW?

This 3-part series will take you through the art of spell casting from crafting the spell’s purpose, to the incantation, to the materials, to the casting, working, and release/disposal of the spell.






Course Coming Soon 

Magickal Ethics: To Hex or Not To Hex, That's the Question w/ Mambo Josy

 a 3 Part Series 

This 3-part series will cover ALL questions with respect to malefic magick – including “karma”, 3-fold rule, and whatever other nonsense exists on the internet. We’ll discuss why this magick is to be RESPECTED, DIVINED ON, and NEVER called “Black Magick” EVER!

NOTE: YOU MUST ATTEND ALL 3 PARTS! You will NOT be allowed into Part 3 if you have NOT taken BOTH parts 1 AND 2! NO EXCEPTIONS! The sessions will NOT be recorded!


PRE-REQUISITE: Student MUST have a BASIC knowledge of divination


Course Coming Soon 

Mambo Josy's Edge Snatching Advanced Astrology 101

 a 3 Part Series 

Learn how to read Natal Charts from the Edge Snatcher herself! Mambo Josy’s Edge Snatching Astrology Series will have you picking apart these planets and zodiacs in ways that will leave you amazed, and have your wigs permanently on the floor! Dive deep into Western Astrology with Mambo Josy, and come out the other side being able to read these planets for filth every time!






Course Coming Soon 

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